“Please Return My Notebooks”

Sad… if my bag were stolen, I’d probably be begging for my notebooks back too!

A woman whose purse was stolen

‘pleads with the purse thief to keep the money but at least return her notebooks. “I had been working on those notes, ideas, and stories for YEARS and you have no idea how SAD I am to lose them,” the victim writes. “If you have any heart at all, please return the things which mean nothing to you, but so much to me.”‘

via Woman Pens Heartfelt Poster to Purse Thief: ‘Please Return My Notebooks’: LAist.


7 thoughts on ““Please Return My Notebooks””

  1. I left my current favorite notebook at a job interview yesterday. I was applying at a restaurant, and I had left it under the table. I called them to see if it was still there, and luckily it was. But the horror of possibly losing it really made me emotional. I can only imagine the pain of losing several to a thief.

  2. What a horrible experience. My notebooks are my most valuable posessions, and I would be completely distraught if one was taken away from me. Not only is is terrifying to part with a personal notebook, but twice as terrifying to imagine it in the hands of a careless stranger!
    I hope the thief returns your notebooks! If not, I have a feeling he/she probably would not care to read through them and in that case had either threw them away or someone else had found them… in which case, I hope they see this and return them to you.

  3. aww :'(
    This happened to me before.. somebody stole my purse out of my gym locker in high school. I was heartbroken to lose my notebook- which had included not only writing, but notes from friends who had moved & irreplaceable photos of my sister who passed away the next year..

  4. You may have already done at least some of this, however when I start a new notebook I always put my name and address in it along with mobile number, work number and email address. I also offer a reward for it’s return, some homemade viking biscuits. If there is a pocket in the back of the notebook I always put an address card and a five pound note. If there is no pocket in there I glue a small envelope in containing the same. None of this guarantees that it will come back, but I try to do everything that I can to improve the chances.

    I hope that you are re-united with these obviously valuable notebooks.

  5. Oh, what a disaster! I hope they send them back. And it’s true: contact info always helps. Wasn’t it Bruce Chatwin who said something along the lines of “losing your wallet would be bad, but losing a notebook would be truly disastrous”. And to have lost several… I hope whoever has them is nice to them until they get back to you.

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